Privacy Policy

Collected Personal Data

We are only collecting enough data to be able to contact interested parties. While provided by the web host, cookies and technical data are only used for website functionality and not actively stored or used by Newport Hematology and Oncology in any way.

Purpose of Collecting Data

The purpose of this site is for parties interested in our services to request additional information about our services. We are not storing any data more than what an interested party provides via our web form. We are not storing or using the data for any other purpose than to have direct contact with interested parties who have directly and intentionally shared their contact information with us because of their interest in our services.


As we are located in California, please note the following: We are not disclosing, sharing or selling any data collected via this site. It is for interested parties in our company and services only. If you wish to correct or delete any data previously shared with us, please use the form below, or send an email to <address>

We do not currently serve EU countries. 

We need your consent to load the translations

We use a third-party service to translate the website content that may collect data about your activity. Please review the details in the privacy policy and accept the service to view the translations.